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Vilvoorde centrum

Accessibility: bike / wheelchair / stroller accessible.
More information for groups: 02 218 54 60.

Address: Steenkaai, 1800 Vilvoorde - near the bridge
(nearby the Brasserie Canal – Maria-Theresialaan 47)

GPS coordinates: N 50° 55' 27.985'' E 4° 25' 14.403''

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Park Drie Fonteinen

Accessibility: The stop Park Drie Fonteinen is accessible again, now also for bike, strollers, wheelchair users

Address: Brusselsesteenweg 74-80, 1800 Vilvoorde

GPS coordinates: N 50.91479° E 4.402939°
Domein Drie Fonteinen, Brusselsesteenweg 74-80, 1800 Vilvoorde.

Connection to other public transportation:

  • De Lijn >
    • bus 820 (stop Vilvoorde Twee Leeuwenweg, direction Zaventem-Dilbeek)
    • bus 47 (stop Vilvoorde Twee Leeuwenweg, direction Vilvoorde station-Yser,
      a 10’ walk from the brasserie)

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Cruise Terminal

Accessibility: bike / wheelchair accessible.

Address: chaussée de Vilvorde 146 - 1120 Brussels

GPS coordinates: N 50° 53' 41.0902'' E 4° 22' 52.35''

Parking available

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quai de Heembeek kaai

Accessibility: bike / strollers / wheelchair accessible.

Address: quai de Heembeek / Heembeekkaai (near the company 'Ziegler')– chaussée de Vilvorde 13

GPS coordinates: N 50° 53' 7.194'' E 4° 22' 52.497''

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pont Van Praet brug

Accessibility: access difficult for strollers (attention: access by large stairway).
No access for bikes and wheelchairs.
The stop Heembeekkaai nearby is accessible for bikes, strollers and wheelchairs.
More information: 02 218 54 60.

Address: -

GPS coordinates: N 50° 52' 53.699'' E 4° 22' 23.879''

Connection to other public transportation:

    • station Schaarbeek (5’ by tram 7, stop princesse Elisabeth + a 7’ walk)
    • tram 3 + 7 (stop Van Praet) + bus 56
  • Villo! >
    • station n° 277, 160

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quai des Péniches / Akenkaai
This stop is possible on request - for groups.

Accessibility: quai des Péniches is currently difficult to access due to works on Museum Kanal - Centre Pompidou. More information: 02 218 54 60.

Address: -

GPS coordinates: : N 50° 51' 36.39'' E 4° 20' 53.281''

Connection to other public transportation:

    • station Bruxelles-Nord (a 20’ walk)
    • bus 47 (stop Avant-Port, direction Vilvoorde station/Debrouckère)
    • bus 58 (stop Heldenplein, direction Vilvoorde-Yser via chaussée de Vilvoorde)
    • tram 51 (stop Yser, direction Stade-Van Haelen)
    • metro 2 + 6 (stop Yser)
    • metro 1 + 5 (stop Comte de Flandres/ Sainte-Catherine)
  • Villo!
    • station n° 49, 52

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The Waterbus will depart again from ‘avenue du Port – quai Beco’

Accessibility: bike / wheelchair / stroller accessible.
More information for groups: 02 218 54 60.

Address: -

GPS coordinates: : N 50° 51' 35.387'' E4° 20' 47.612''

Connection to other public transportation:

    • station Bruxelles-Nord (a 20’ walk)
    • bus 47 (stop Avant-Port, direction Vilvoorde station/Debrouckère)
    • bus 58 (stop Heldenplein, direction Vilvoorde-Yser via chaussée de Vilvoorde)
    • tram 51 (stop Yser, direction Stad-Van Haelen)
    • metro 2 + 6 (stop Yser)
    • metro 1 + 5 (stop Comte de Flandres/ Sainte-Catherine)
  • Villo!
    • station n° 52, 54, 49

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